
WL Rating

When I first started surfing some thirty-odd years ago, I really could have used this book. It would have saved me quite a bit of trial and error, not to mention the occasional kooky move in the line-up. In The Surfing Handbook, author Ben Marcus (The Surfboard) has put together a comprehensive written and visual how-to guide for new surfers. The book covers a lot of the obvious basics like how to pick the right board, wetsuit, trunks, wax, etc. with expert advice from equipment purveyor Zuma Jay.  It also delves into the the proper and most efficient ways to navigate under and into waves without getting your head or ribcage cracked open—definitely one of the more challenging aspects for newbies. Thankfully, Marcus also lays down the rules of the road, making the unspoken (or top of the lungs death threat) laws of the line-up crystal clear. Don’t drop in on people, don’t paddle across the shoulder, don’t go out to a difficult break when you are just learning, etc. With over 200 instructional photos and drawings, the book provides more than enough content for newbies as well as early intermediate surfers looking to refine their skills. I think this book would make a great gift for new and aspiring surfers. (June 2010)

The Surfing Handbook  - Ben Marcus


Category: Non-Fiction

Reading Style: Easy

Pages: 208

Pub Date: 2010

Tags: Science, Surfing